Lisa Nakamura provides Xsensus with Technical Advisor services in the form of patent prosecution, patent portfolio development and patent portfolio management. Providing Xsensus with a fulltime presence in Japan, Ms. Nakamura is able to bridge time and language gaps by being available for in-person or telephone discussions during normal Japanese business hours.
Earlier in her career, Ms. Nakamura served as a Benrishi in the intellectual property division of Hitachi, Ltd. During her twelve years with Hitachi, she specialized in worldwide patent prosecution, patent portfolio development and management, patent clearances, patent litigation, pre-litigation analysis, patent enforcement and cross licensing. She has experience in various technologies in the electrical and mechanical fields, with extensive experience in computer hardware/software, data storage systems, flash memory devices, servers, and cloud computing.
Prior to supporting Xsensus, Ms. Nakamura formed X & S International Patent Firm, p.c. and worked at a Tokyo branch office of another US intellectual property law firm where she served as a technical advisor, procuring US patents and developing patent portfolios for internationally recognized companies.
Ms. Nakamura is particularly skilled in communicating with Japanese companies and providing practical advice to support their businesses through technical analysis and patent portfolio management strategy. She is also well versed in appreciating the corporate objectives of Japanese companies and applying her understanding to efficiently obtain US patents that are aligned with those objectives.
Ms. Nakamura’s work focuses on industries such as:
- Computer software
- Information technology
- Cloud computing
- Data storage technologies
- Semiconductor devices
- Consumer electronics
- Communication/broadcasting technologies
- Display technologies
- Imaging technologies
- Automobile technologies
- Medical devices
- Factory/building automation and control systems
- Measurement technologies
仲村 理紗は、Xsensusのテクニカルアドバイザーとして特許出願・権利化、特許ポートフォリオマネジメントのサービスを提供しております。仲村氏は東京に在住しており、日本のお客様との対面や電話でのリアルタイムなコミュニケーションを通じ、質の高い米国特許を低コストで取得し、知財を活用してビジネスに活かすための実務的なサポートを提供しております。
仲村氏は、Xsensusにサービスを提供する以前は、特許業務法人X & S 国際特許事務所を設立し、また米国のIP系法律事務所の東京オフィスのテクニカルアドバイザーとして国際的な企業に対して米国特許取得や特許ポートフォリオ強化のサポートを行っておりました。
Practice Areas
- Tohoku University(M.E.)
- Management Science and Technology
- Tohoku University(B.E.)
- Mechanical Engineering
- English
- Japanese
Bar Admissions
- Japan Patent Office
- Tokyo and Osaka District Courts and IP High Courts in specified infringement litigation
Professional Affiliations
- Japan Patent Attorneys Association (2009-Present)
Prior Affiliations
- Oblon
- Hitachi, Ltd.